Add more homes or buildings

In EnergyID you can add more than one record to your account.

Add a record

  • Click and then click Add new record.
  • Choose the type of record you want to create.
  • Give the new record a name and provide basic information like location, family size, etc.
  • Click Create.

As an organisation, you can create your own EnergyID group. This will help you to get insight into the consumption of all your buildings, and your group members can actively collaborate on energy and water savings, waste reduction, and more...

Closing a record

You can close a record if you no longer use it or if you've reached the maximum number of free records in your account. A closed record won't receive automatic updates and is no longer accessible.

Follow these steps to close a record:

  • Click on Records in the dropdown menu under your profile icon.
  • Click on the three-dot icon next to the name of the record you want to close and select Close record....
  • Confirm your action.

Reopening a closed record

Closed records aren't displayed in the list of records and are no longer accessible. However, you can reopen a closed record if there is space available within the limit of two free records.

Follow these steps to reopen a record:

  • Click on Records in the dropdown menu under your profile icon.
  • Click at the bottom of the page on Closed records.
  • Click on the three-dot icon next to the name of the record you wish to reopen and choose Reopen....

Deleting a record

To delete a record and all its associated data, follow these steps:

  • Click on Records in the dropdown menu under your profile icon.
  • Click on the three-dot icon next to the name of the record you want to delete and select Delete....
  • Confirm your action.

Why can't I create a new record?

Each EnergyID account has a limit of two free records. If you've reached this limit and want to add an additional record, you need to assign a license to an existing record first. If you no longer use a record, you can close it to make room for a new one.