Privacy & data protection

We strive to protect the personal data of our users while also being as transparent as possible about how we handle this data. Our guiding principle is that we never share your data unless you explicitly give permission.

The official privacy policy of EnergyID is available at

Sharing your data with others

There are three ways to share your data with others:

  • Comparing your data with similar profiles. By activating the comparison, you also allow others to compare themselves with you. Your data is fully anonymized by the comparison module.
    More information
  • Sharing your data with a group. Before sharing your data, you will see the rights requested by the group administrators for your record. You will also see a link to their own privacy policy. We ask group administrators to describe their policy as transparently and clearly as possible.
  • Sharing your data with apps. Some external apps can be linked to EnergyID to display your data on their platform. When you link with an external app, you will see an overview of the rights requested by the app before approving them. You can view and manage app connections in your account settings.

Transparent collaboration on a single record

To ensure complete transparency for everyone, each record is equipped with an activity logbook. The activity logbook allows you to view the history of all changes made by you and other users with access to your record.

Who can make changes to a record?
  • You, the owner of the record
  • Administrators of groups to which the record has been added
  • The EnergyID support team in the case of a support request or technical incident


Why Is my activity logbook not complete?

We started saving changes on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.