Manage records

☑ EnergyID for organisations

In the management of a group in EnergyID, both the record and meter overview are essential. Below are described the possibilities and actions that a group administrator can perform in both overviews.


You can easily navigate through the list of records and filter and sort them based on various criteria, such as name, owner, address, etc. Once the desired record is found, you can perform various actions, such as:

  • Opening the record (with permission from the owner)
  • Adding or editing a reference
  • Editing custom fields
  • Assigning the record to a team
  • Assigning or modifying a license, allowing records to be upgraded to EnergyID Premium
  • Excluding the record from group reports, useful in cases of measurement errors that disrupt group reports
  • Deleting the record from the group


In the meter overview, you can search, filter, and sort meters, just like in the record overview. Additionally, there are some shortcuts available, such as quickly identifying inactive automatic meters. When a meter is selected, you can perform the following actions:

Exporting Lists

You can export both record and meter lists. The selected filters are applied to the export. Exports are executed in the background and can then be downloaded from the user's export overview.

Exports remain available for 30 days and are then automatically deleted.