Getting started with your own EnergyID group ✨

☑ EnergyID for organisations

We are pleased that you want to set up an EnergyID group and have taken out a license for this purpose. Here, we guide you through some essential steps to get the most out of your group.

Initial Set-Up

When setting up a group, there are several important steps to follow:

  • Designing the public page
    Ensure that your group's public page includes information about the group's purpose, the benefits of membership, and any membership requirements. You can also choose the name, logo, and banner to make your group attractive.
  • Assigning group administrators
    Choose reliable and competent group administrators who will be responsible for managing the group and overseeing activities. Read more about assigning group administrators here.
  • Managing membership
    Specify who can become a member of the group and how they can apply for membership. Read here how to manage your group membership.
  • Defining teams
    Create teams within your group to organize and manage records and activities, if desired. Read here how to define teams within your group.

Monitoring and Usage

After the initial set-up of your group, there are various ways to use the group:

  • Managing records
    Keep track of the records within your group to promptly identify and address issues. Read here how to manage records in your group.
  • Following up on reports
    Analyze reports and statistics to monitor and improve the energy consumption and sustainability performance of your group and the records within your group.
  • Communicating with your members
    Keep your members informed with campaign messages and surveys. Read more about using messages here.

As a group administrator, are you missing certain functionalities for optimal use of your group? Contact us! We are open to developing custom analyses and features to meet your specific needs.